Socially it is important to be outgoing (extravert) but at the same time sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. You affect others' well-being if you are constantly late or fail to meet your commitments in work or in the family, and therefore planning is important. Someone with this MBTI personality type is probably going to be an ENFP - Extraversion, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.
Outgoing and charming, but attentive and genuinely interested in others, they will be attractive company. With the motivation to work out what is best for others and the self-discipline to carry out tasks reliably, such a person should be highly popular in the workplace. They might well be the life and soul of the party as well as caring and perceptive life partners.
Altogether, this might be the strongest personality type socially but remember all types are equal and being categorised as one type rather than another does not show HOW FAR into such a category an individual fits. i.e. each of the four quadrants will have a percentage 'score' attached. e.g. you could theoretically be 50% extraversion 50% introversion and so on for each of the four.