There are a lot of studies that indicate that those with lower IQ are more likely to get involved in crimes. These studies are considered major studies and are being used by people whenever they need to prove a point. It seems that people may sometimes commit crimes depending on their verbal reasoning.
For example, people will tell themselves that they will not get caught and they would actually believe it. This belief may sometimes cause people to do more crimes and repeat more crimes even if they have been caught before. Their low intelligence may cause them to never learn from their mistakes and this can be their downfall.
They are negatively correlated. That is, criminality is more evident amongst those with lower rather than higher IQs. Criminals and delinquents score typically 8% or more lower on IQ tests than those who have no criminal record. There have been five major studies in different countries that lead to such findings. More interestingly, one study analysed the type of intellectual functioning and found it was the verbal reasoning, not the spatial ability, that was weak in violent and repeat offenders.
It is easy to understand that without employing the kind of reasoning engaged in when considering a criminal act (should I do this, will it hurt someone, what will be the consequence) a person is at a distinct disadvantage. "I didn't think" might be a typical response. Impulsive and inconsequential are adjectives that might describe many criminal acts.