Italy is known for being the experts in pasta. It was founded in Italy and Italy continues to reign supreme in pasta making. However, there are many Italian restaurants around the world that create pasta, but they usually create the same types of pasta and pasta dishes. These would include spaghetti, macaroni and cheese and lasagna.
There are rare types of pasta dishes that can only be found in certain parts of the world. The rarest is called su filindeu. It can only be made by one of three women in the world. These women live in Italy on a small island. They know how to make the pasta noodles and it take just a few ingredients to make it.
There are rare pasta shapes, but the pasta itself? Well, reportedly there are just three women who know the secret of a su filindeu pasta (threads of God) - and they are in Sardinia. This pasta has been made by the Abraini family, who have kept the technique secret to their women.
It is made by dividing the dough into 256 strands, evenly, all hand pulled, then folded and left to dry in the sun. You would have to find your way on foot or by donkey to the women's village, Nuora, and only on certain feast dates. Do you really love pasta that much?