Miroslav Klose is a soccer player who is well-known and he is from Germany. His position was a striker. Currently, Klose is a coach for a German team called Bayern Munich. This team is for children under the age of seventeen. Besides being an excellent soccer player, he has also played in many championship games including the FIFA World Cup and the Euros for several different years.
Miroslav Klose is known for having the most goals in the World Cup which is sixteen. There are many current players who could surpass Miroslav Klose’s world cup record. These players include Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez. These two players have already made a name for themselves and have the talent to score that many goals in the world cup.
When Miroslav Klosses beat Ronaldo’s record, fans from all over the world went crazy. Now, people only have to wonder about one thing: will any other player be able to beat his record? This man is known as a pure goal scorer although he did not excel in the beginning. He came alive at the World Cup. He was able to prove that he is good. Only time will tell if other players will be able to beat his goal.
Perhaps they should make a constant effort to make that happen. It will depend on different things: the contenders, the other players, the player’s own skills, and the player’s luck. If all of these things will align, then someone may be able to beat the record that he created. If not, then it might be one of those things that will go down in history.