WWE was one known as WWF which was the short form of WWWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation) until sometime in 2002 when it was changed to WWE (world Wrestling Entertainment). This change happened because another organization (World Wildlife Fund) was claiming the acronym. Vince Mc Mahon changed the name to WWE from WWF in order to end the fight for the acronym.
Wrestling fans know that WWE started to be known as World-Wide Wrestling Federation or WWWF. In the 70’s, it was shortened to WWF or World Wrestling Federation. It was not an issue in the beginning as wrestling started out as a very small business. Not everyone were fans back then. The more that it grew though, the more that people used WWF to describe wresting.
There is another organization that is known as WWF (World Wildlife Fund) This organization became more aggressive about defending their acronym so that people will not get confused. It was in the year 2002 when Vince McMahon decided not to fight it anymore. He changed the name to World Wrestling Entertainment which we now know as WWE.