Anika Nicole, Wordsmith, PG In Journalism, New York
Answered Jul 20, 2018
All have a protein capsid and envelope. Not all viruses have a protein capsid and envelope.
Viruses are basically microscopic parasites which don't have the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside of a host body. They may have DNA, RNA, Single, or Double-stranded and they are obligate intracellular parasites. And of course, they release virions during cell lysis or budding. Here, all the options are true in regards to viruses except option C.
All Viruses have an envelope, but not all viruses have a capsid. Since viruses are obligate intracellular parasites, the term conveys the idea that viruses must carry out their reproduction by parasitizing a host cell. They cannot multiply outside a living cell, they can only replicate inside of a specific host.