The most common problems faced by couple in a relationship are boundary problems and time management issues
It is important that partners respect each others boundaries, in as much as you do almost everything together, you need to understand that your partner needs some space. People need to maintain their individuality, your partner needs some privacy to reflect on certain things.
Spending less time together is also a major problem in relationships. Many fail to understand that time spent with their partner is important for the growth of their relationship. The little free time available should be spend with partners in order to catch up on time spent apart.
One of the most common problems faced by couples includes boundary problems. Each partner should respect the others boundaries. Yes, they live with you, but not giving the other person space will lead to long term problems that can strangle your relation. Another problem is time management. Couples can struggle to find time for each other.
It also leads to fights when the limited amount of time is suddenly spent with friends or in some other activity. Another important problem is possessiveness. Yes, the right amount is like salt in a relationship. However, you need to trust your man or woman. Raising questions at every text, simple calls or baseless accusations can have a toll on your relationship.