Yes, Youtube's copyright policies have been abused by organisations and youtubers. Youtube's copyright policies does not allow organizations and youtubers to upload content owned by others but many organisations and youtubers have been reported to upload copyright protected contents on YouTube.
If you notice someone has uploaded a copyright content, report these claims to YouTube. If found guilty, YouTube takes down the content from the platform. Recently, YouTube is no longer taking it lightly with organisations and youtubers found guilty.
I'm afraid they sometimes are. There have been numerous cases of content that has been copyright protected being taken up and fraudently passed off as owned by a completely separate entity. However, youtube has very recently revised their procedure for dealing with complaints over copyright infringements.
You fill in a claim form and seek a take down notice by youtube. The individual or company complained against can make a counter claim. I guess it won't completely solve the problem but it's a start in the right direction. Better late than never, youtube.