Yes of course, there is an algortihm for making youtube videos viral. However, the algorithm for making YouTube videos viral changes. The algorithm concept offers a viewer some video options similar to what he or she has just watched. YouTube doesn’t make the variables that factor into its algorithm public.
The algorithm uses a combination of video specific data and channel aggregate data to determine which videos to promote. The aim of the algorithm is to make the channel popular not just the video. This will help keep viewers longer on the platform. Using thumbnail, keywords and impressive titles help to generate possible suggestions.
Indeed there is, and it has caused quite a bit of controversy. The algorithm changes, who knows how often or to what stimulus, but those who have depended upon it for their strategy have to constantly adapt. The algorithm concept aims to offer a viewer a range of yutube videos similar to the one he has just watched, apparently using keywords to generate suggestions.
Recently, Chaslot devised software to analyse what is happening during this process, and then used it to monitor what was happening during elections in 3 different countries in Europe. He found that you-tube gives preference to videos that are sensational or controversial so that exploring Who is Michelle Obama, for instance, would bring She is a Man, to the fore. Algorithms have their uses and abuses.