There are approximately 85 ways to tie a tie. How do I know this? A simple online search brings up the book The 85 Ways to Tie a Tie by Thomas Fink. Some of the most popular ones, however, are the half-wind knot, the windsor knot, and the four-in-hand knot. The bowtie knot is a pretty specific knot, typically used to tie a bowtie (unsurprisingly).
The four-in-hand knot is the most common tie knot. This is often the one that boys learn when they are first learning to tie a tie, and there is even a lot of help out there for learning how to do that alone. Other knots that can be learned online are numerous. It’s not hard to find out-there ways to tie your tie.
There may be more, but ten knots are those in common use: the clove hitch, the square, reef, bowling, figure 8, two half hitches, Prusik knot, rolling hitch, taut line hitch, sheet bend and timber hitch.