We all need to feel a sense of belonging. Once rejection has been experienced, there is a greater need to feel wanted, a greater hesitation about approaching others. Rejection displays that someone does not belong, or so it seems. That's very hurtful. How to overcome your natural reluctance to be hurt again? Firstly you have to be sure that what appears to be rejection is not some problem within the person approached.
Secondly, you have to weigh up what you have to gain by making approaches, and what you have to lose by just staying as you are. Thirdly, you have to consider HOW you are making your approaches. Seek advice on this from friends. You are as worthy as the next person, however powerful they may seem to be. You make your approach sincerely. If rejected, promise yourself you will continue to make approaches elsewhere. Be confident in yourself, once you've made sure, in conversation with friends, that your approaches are reasonable and sincere.