Pedigree analysis is a type of study. This study involves studying a chart so that you are able to detect the genetic diseases that a family would have. This type of analysts is normally carried out by a genetic counselor or a medical genetics specialist.
Pedigree analysis is important because it helps medical specialists determine how the trait through different generations would be inherited. The analysis can also tell when the disease would occur, in regards to what age the person would be. The analysis can help track down how diseases have passed down from generation to generation and how it would affect future generations.
When you say pedigree analysis, you mean to say that this is a study of a trait that can be found in different individuals that will come with one trait that needs to be observed or analyzed. The pattern and characteristics of the trait will be thoroughly checked. Some of the things that will be checked are the age of onset of the trait, phenotypic variability, and finally, the mode of its inheritance.
Pedigree analysis is considered to be an important tool because this is something that will be used for genetic counseling if needed and also some basic analysis. The chart that will be created will represent all of the available information that is needed to analyze a specific trait.
Pedigree is the record of inheritance of certain traits for two or more generations presented in form of a diagram or family tree. Pedigree analysis can be defined as the study of a chart to detect genetic disease in a family.
Pedigree analysis is often constructed by medical genetics or genetics counselor. The pedigree analysis can help to identify a genetic condition running through a family. It also aids in making diagnosis and aid in determining who in the family is at risk for genetic conditions.
When creating a pedigree, a set of standard symbols are used. For example, when a person is affected by a birth disorder or other health problems, the individual is shaded. A good pedigree contains information for not less than three generations.
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S. Leo, Content Blogger, Journalism and Content Marketing, Mexico
Answered Jan 20, 2021
Pedigree analysis would mean that there is an inherited trait in a group of individuals that would need to be studied. This will make it possible for the different characteristics and patterns of the trait to become visible. Through pedigree analysis, it would be easier to determine the mode of inheritance of the particular trait among the different individuals.
It will also showcase the age of onset, the phenotypic variability and so much more. Take note that Pedigree analysis is usually done when comparing different generations from the same family. This can be very useful when tracking down certain diseases and how they have been passed on.
A pedigree analysis is usually carried out if a couple have been referred to a genetics counsellor because there is concern about the genetic inheritance of - usually - a proposed child of the relationship,although sometimes an indiidual may need this for him or herself because there is worry about inheriting some serious illness or condition.
A pdeigree analysis chart can be drawn up to show affected members of a family across generations. From this, the probability of the current enquirer deeloping the same problem can be estimated. It is rarely 100'5 certain
This sounds as if we are looking at royalty or superior breeds but pedigree analysis merely means an investigation into our ancestral roots. Most seriously, an investigation into an extended family group can discover the pattern and characteristics of a particular disease or trait, including its mode of inheritance, age of onset, and phenotypic variability.
Where there is anxiety over a genetically transmitted disorder, pedigree analysis is vitally important. Rare genetic disorders may be predicted by a specialist in this field of investigation. The same approach on a simpler basis may be adopted by the medical profession when a pregnancy may be threatened by an inherited disorder.