Starting your own business is a huge step. You need to be steady minded with a strong plan to take that step. However, your own business gives you the benefit of expansion. Working for yourself allows you to avail much more for the same amount of work that you do for a company. Surviving on a limited salary and having your own business with unlimited potential are two extremities.
Having your own business means, you are your own boss. Although, this does not mean that you get to relax, you do get to manipulate your time as you please. You get to set the deadlines. What’s more, you can secure your future even after your retirement.
It takes a very special kind of person to want to quit their job and start their own business. I worked for a fortune 500 company for thirty-two years. Prior to filing for bankruptcy, the company went through numerous downsizings over several years. I was a casualty of downsizing. I was still too young to retire, so after thoroughly researching and soul-searching, I purchased a small business so I could be my own boss.
I can admit that parts of being a small business owner were fun and rewarding. But, for the most part, it was not a pleasant experience. You worry twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. And all the problems are yours to solve. It’s not like you can call the IT department or HR department if there is a problem. So my advice, there is never a good time to start your own business.