Detective Conan is known to be one of those anime series that has been running for a long time. It has been running for close to 15 years and people are still very much interested in it. The fact that it deals with mysteries and solving different situations has made it very appealing to a lot of people. Various cases have already been solved.
Some people have tried to solve it on their own before Conan reveals who has done it. Some are successful while some are not. The fact cannot be denied that as long as they continue putting out great material, people will always be fond of reading the series.
Detective Conan, which is an anime also known by the name Case Closed, began airing on January 8th, 1996. So this series has been running for over 22 years, but there have been some difficulties with legal issues which has made the anime start and stop and switch broadcasting stations a few times.
There are currently 27 seasons and just a little bit over 900 episodes. It is the 15th longest running anime in Japan. In addition to the anime episodes there have also been several movies and spin offs of Case Closed.