Terrorist organizations usually start up as a group of people who believe in certain things. They come together for the same purpose and to fight a common enemy. Informations are passed across in coded manners and non members of these organizations are unable to decode the information.
Many of them do not gather in places that is easily accessible to non members and there reason make it difficult for terrorist organization to be caught early.
Terrorist planners have tended to communicate in code or use metaphors when discussing targets. It is possible they could be intercepted. A small, discreet way to carry large quantities of data is called USB sticks. Courier by hand is a method that has been successful for terrorists. It avoids leaving any digital trail.
Cheap and legally available for cash products called disposable sim cards can be bought over the counter and then thrown away. Three different ways that terrorist groups receive funding include illegal sources, networking, and charities. The illicit drug trade is a significant source of income for many terrorist organizations. Charities or donations are also a considerable source of income for terrorist organizations to receive funding.