M. Porter, Senior Executive, Master of Art, San Jose
Answered Nov 22, 2018
Anxiety is often considered to be the main reason for getting different mental disorders. People can become anxious for different reasons. Some get anxious because of trauma. Others may think of things negatively just because they are feeling anxious. Anxiety can strike anytime. It can be because of the present situation that you are experiencing or it may be because of a painful memory that is being triggered.
Being anxious can be accompanied by some physical symptoms that will not be fun to experience at all. This is a problem that is prevalent around the world and there is no sign that it is going to be stopped anytime soon. There are some people who may be wired to feel anxious because of their experiences and so much more.
A mental construct is not something directly observable and may include imaginative thinking such as a fantasy city that cannot exist. Whether your anxiety is a mental construct depends upon your circumstances and how much of your time you spend thinking about your anxiety. If you were clinging to a cliff edge by your fingertips, your anxiety would be highly appropriate. If you are the loved teenager in a secure home attending a supportive school, then anxiety might seem unexpected. Is the anxiety connected with socialising or with personal attributes, or both?
It is possible for a person to sit actually worrying about their anxiety and this suggests such a person is not getting on with their life. Having outside interests, and friends who share them, with time divided between what must be done (work, study) and what is personally pleasing, leads to a healthy mental state. The very question suggests an unhealthy focus on your mental state rather than on activity and useful occupation. Having said that, the state of anxiety is real to those who suffer it. Free-floating anxiety may be part of someone's personality but if it dominates, a mental health professional is the person to turn to for help.