I think it is quite likely but some time may elapse before this happens. Korea may come together as one nation before denuclearisation occurs fully. I believe the South Korean president is responsible for all the positive advance that has been made so far, and I hope you is awarded a peace prize for his efforts to save the world from being obliterated.
The North Koreans cannot be shielded from the internet and therefore world opinion and material benefits in the rest of the world will underline the terrible hardships they have been forced to endure. A leader cannot continue forever when there is sufficient distaste and dissatisfaction with lifestyle amongst the people. North Korea cannot cope too much longer with sanctions against it, therefore, and hence the move towards denuclearisation.
I don't think it is very likely denuclearization will ever happen in North Korea. Unless Kim Jong Un is removed from power, I don’t believe any country can successfully force him to give up his nuclear weapons program. He believes it’s the key to his survival.
Some think the United States needs to swallow its pride, admit that its insistence on complete and total denuclearization is simply not going to happen, and start over. If the US were to do that, they might get more support and help from the Russians and the Chinese and maybe diplomatic efforts would finally be successful.