Steam is produced from water that is being heated by nuclear power plants. Now, electricity is generated as a result of the spinning of large turbines through the help of steam. Nuclear power plants make use of heat that is produced during nuclear fission in heating water.
There is splitting apart of atoms in nuclear fission to form smaller atoms, thus releasing energy. The reactor of a nuclear power plant is where fission takes place. There is a core present at the center of the reactor, which has uranium fuel in it.
The blades of a steam turbine are turned as a result of the water that has been bolt into steam with the help of the heat produced in the reactor core during nuclear fission. Then electricity is being generated as the turbine blades turn and drive generators. The steam can be re-cooled back into the water, which is reused to produce steam.
There has been a lot of questions about how electricity is manufactured from a nuclear reactor. The simple answer is that the nuclear reactors release energy from the spitted uranium atoms to turn the water into steam which causes the movement of the turbine generators which results in the production of energy. The process of the spitting of the uranium is called fission.
Electricity generated from a nuclear reactor is a good one because there is no release of any greenhouse emissions. Unlike the gas-fired or coal-fired electricals plants, the release of greenhouse emissions is high. In America, 20 percent of electricity comes from nuclear energy. Lastly, nuclear plants are the lowest cost provider of large-scale electricity.
F. Daniel, Content Optimization Executive, Diploma in Journalism, California
Answered Jan 20, 2021
The water that can be found in the core will be heated with the use of nuclear fission. It will then pump into tubes inside a heat exchanger. The water will then be pumped into tubes wherein they would be going to the heat exchanger so that steam will be created.
Steam will then be turned into an electric generator in order to produce enough electricity. The water from the core will then go back to the reactor so that it will be reheated again. The process will then repeat itself. This is how it is possible to get electricity from nuclear reactors.
There are a lot of people who are curious to know more about the different sources of electricity that are being used now. One of the most popular is still the use of fossil fuels but using nuclear energy to create electricity is possible too. Basically, this occurs because of fission. This is the process wherein the uranium atoms can split.
This will help produce the steam that will be used in order to provide enough electricity. This is considered to be a good option for getting electricity because this does not have any greenhouse emissions. Some people would like to know more about it simply for this reason alone.
Electricity is manufactured from nuclear reactors in much the same way as a gas-fired or coal fired electrical power plant. The only difference is the nuclear reactor releases energy created from splitting uranium atoms to turn the water into steam which moves the turbine generators to generate electricity.
This atom splitting is called fission. In a gas-fired or coal fired electrical power plant, the energy to make the steam is created by burning natural gas, oil, or coal instead of by splitting uranium atoms. The steam drives the turbines, machines designed to capture the energy and use it to generate electricity.