I know this terrible anomaly is difficult to understand but fields full of potentially nutritious food source is no help if the population is far in excess of the content of the fertile fields, or if costant civil war aborts all the country's wealth. This is what happens in African countries. However, in Mozambique the diet lacks an essential mineral an this results in malnutrition especially in growing women.
Many of these countries also have inefficient farming methods so the tempest isn't made of the produce. Further in, say, Madagascar, deforestation seriously affects poential productiveness of land. Finally, several African countries are prone to flooding and other natural disasters so that good crops may be greatly wasted in this way.
“If you wrote a letter to God and asked him for the best soil and climate conditions for farming, this is what he’d send you,” says an Argentine agronomist who manages a corporate soybean farm in northern Mozambique. It is a paradise for growers. I’ve spent many years farming in Brazil and Argentina and have never seen such soil.
Despite this 37% of Mozambique’s population is undernourished and it remains one of the hungriest nations in the world. Experts can’t agree on a solution. The government thinks big corporate owned farms are the answer, but while these big farms do employ some people, many more locals lose land they previously used to feed themselves and their families.