Dark energy was first discovered in the year 1998. This is more recent as compared to the other discoveries of different astronomers. Dark energy, in particular, has been discovered by astronomers who were checking out some exploding stars. Even if it has only been confirmed recently, there are some reports that it was already theorized by astronomers in the past.
According to reports, dark energy is needed because without it, it will be impossible for the earth to stay in its current place as it revolves around the sun. This dark energy also makes sure that the different galaxies do not collide with each other.
Dictionary.com defines dark energy as “a hypothetical form of energy whose negative pressure counteracts gravity and is assumed to be responsible for the universe expanding at an accelerating rate.” This energy was discovered in 1998 by two teams of astronomers who were measuring light coming from exploding stars called Type IA supernovae.
The astronomers observed that the supernovae were dimmer (farther away) than they would be in a universe that was slowing down. They surmised the universe was getting bigger at an increasing rate. The reason behind the increasing rate was proposed to be a special kind of energy, a process that was estimated to have started about 5 billion years ago.