Plants, not at all like creatures, don't have central nervous systems. That does not mean, notwithstanding, that they don't be able to detect their environment.
Carnivorous plants proves that plants can be savage.
Plants have no nerves, no brains, no nervous system, no ability to feel pain, and there is no proof that plants have any limit with regards to cognizance.
Plant anatomy is a settled branch of science and has been around for a long time. The discoveries of plant anatomists are considered so uncontroversial that the vast majority are unconscious that this branch of science exists. There are precisely zero plant anatomists who trust that plants are cognizant.
Plant anatomists are very much aware that plants can react to jolts, react to predation, expend prey, and even transfer substance signs to different plants. None of this is thought to be proof of awareness by the researchers who think about plants daily.