ABSOLUTELY NOT. There are other animals that camouflage even better than chameleons. The likes of Octopuses and some other animals living in the rainforests enjoy camouflaging. These animals do so to escape from predators hunting them. Animals from the frog and toad species use camouflage in order to appear like dead leaf so that they go unnoticed while sitting in a bed of rotting leaves. Not just their appearance, behavior is also important too.
When danger threatens they lie as a ‘dead leaf’ among genuine dead leaves until they make sure that they are out of danger. There are also creepy crawlies like the Indian leaf bug that has an exact impersonation of a true leaf. Flounders are base staying level fish that has an incredible capacity to coordinate the color and example of their experience. So are the leaffish, octopuses, squids, shrimps and crabs that can change the measure of shades on the skin with a specific end goal to deliver an unmistakable impersonation of their experience.