Hype can kill games but I think the maker has gone through that so much that now no one has any idea of what to expect so it should be okay.
Other than that one case though, Hype can be a huge poison for anything. It's like the horror movie idiom "What you don't see is always scarier." There is a point of hype at which point no game can survive and it's no longer judged on it's own merits. It's really sad when it happens but even worse when you can see it coming.
However, it's always a personal thing. If you let the hype build up too much in your own mind you will always be disappointed. The key is finding the right balance of hype and realistic expectations. No game will ever be able to match the greatness that you can think up in your own mind, because the game in your own mind is tailor made for what you want out of a game while the real one is made for everyone.