The United States (US) exports many commodities. In 2017, the top ten exports accounted for almost 63 percent of the overall global shipments value. The following results are listed at the 2-digit Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) code level. The HTS is used for the classification of products and it “allows participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis for customs purposes”.
So, in terms of the top 10, ranging from highest to lowest, the results are: (1) Machinery including computers: US$201.7 billion (13% of total exports), (2) Electrical machinery, equipment: $174.2 billion (11.3%), (3) Mineral fuels including oil: $138 billion (8.9%), (4) Aircraft, spacecraft: $131.2 billion (8.5%), (5) Vehicles: $130.1 billion (8.4%), (6) Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $83.6 billion (5.4%), (7) Plastics, plastic articles: $61.5 billion (4%), (8) Gems, precious metals: $60.4 billion (3.9%), (9) Pharmaceuticals: $45.1 billion (2.9%), and (10) Organic chemicals: $36.2 billion (2.3%).