Every dialect of a language has different ways of pronunciation that make it special. The Australian English is mostly composed of relaxed syllables and words that are slurred. This can make it difficult to understand for a person who is used to hearing normal English.
Some theories suggest that the early migrants of Australia were drunk which is why they spoke English in a slurred manner. Slowly it became a trend and the trend materialized into a nation’s way of speaking. However, you should not be saying this to an Australian as they are offended by such an ancestry of their dialect.
The Australian people have an accent in which a lot of the words are slurred. Apart from that, Australian people also use â…” of their mouth area so as to speak. According to many researchers, this is because the early migrants to Australia used to spend most of their time being drunk.
This was the major factor that contributed towards the developed of the Australian accent which differs quite a lot as compared to other varieties of English language. Their drinking habits are said to have caused permanent distortion to the way they speak. However, many Australians feel offended for this claim.