The global seed vault contains seeds from all kinds of plants in the world. It is basically a vault for all the plant species, in case doomsday is here and all the plants perish. The doomsday vault contains all the stored seeds in case of emergency.
The name comes from the fact that if there is a global disaster, the doomsday vault will be a good hope for humans to save the planet and themselves. The seeds can then be used to grow more plants and start life once again. This will help bring life back on earth. Hence, it is an emergency means of survival in case of disaster.
The global seed vault is also referred to as the doomsday vault, and the Svalbard global seed vault. This storage facility is a seed vault which houses samples of all kinds of seeds in the world of various plants that produce vegetables and foods necessary for human survival.
This storage facility is referred to as the doomsday vault because it could be very beneficial for the humans in case of a global disaster. The seeds acquired from this facility could be used to grow plants again hence allowing the survivors of a global disasters to push the human race towards its recovery.