Age>40 year, Smoker30 due to the increased VTE risk, Hx HTN during pregnancy, BP now normal, known hyperlipidemia, First-degree relative with DVT/PE, Major surgery without prolonged immobilization, Superficial thrombophlebitis, SLE on immunosuppressive therapy or with severe thrombocytopenia, Sickle cell, Valvular heart disease, uncomplicated , non-migraine headaches, Migraine without neurological aura, age 5 yr, Diabetic with neuropathy, retinopathy, Diabetic with vascular disease
Age>35 yr and smoker > 15 cigarettes/d, HTN, not controlled or with vascular disease, Systolic >160 or diastolic > 100, Current or hx of DVT/PE, Major surgery with prolonged immobilization, known thrombogenic mutations, Current or hx of ischemic heart diease, Current or hx of stroke, Valvular heart diease, complicated, Migraine with neurological aura, SLE with positive or unknown antiphspholipid antibiotics, Current breast cancer, Active viral hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Severe/ decompensated, Benign hepatocellular adenoma or malignant liver tumor