The correct answer to this question is metamorphic rock. Migmatites are rocks as well. They are a mixture of metamorphic and igneous rocks. It is created when the rock partially melts. Those melts then recrystallize into volcanic rock.
When this occurs, the unmelted metamorphic part and the volcanic part generate a mixture. Migmatites are created during extreme temperatures and are the result of reactions that are solid in the state. In their appearance, they are often tightly folded with light colored veins. Geologists love to observe them, for it is beautiful to look at their black and white layers.
Migmatite is a rock that comes from a mixture of metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rock. The word Metamorphic comes from the Greek word meta, meaning change and morph meaning shape. At one time Migmatite has been one or a mixture of all three types of rock.
Gneiss, which is a type of metamorphic rock is everywhere, and when exposed to compression and heat it melts and when it settles and cools it become igneous rock. One of the formations of Migmatite is Granite, which is quite hard, durable and beautiful.