C. Chatter in Apex methods do not run in system mode; they run in the context of the current user. They run in User context only and It ignores with/without sharing keyword.
D. Many test methods related to Chatter in Apex require the BIsTest (SeeAllData = true) annotation. Most of the time ConnetAPI classes fail if seeAllData is false.
Connect Api is a feature of Chatter, an API development that enables the salesforce to connect safely and usefully with others. It is the social network of any Salesforce. Salespeople can post quotes, images, updates, and more.
The Connect Api namepace contains classes for accessing the same data in Chatter Rest Api. Now chat and forms of chatter can be customised. The feed of the current user will need to be obtained. This action is another feature of Chatter; Connect Feed type.
Chatter in Apex operations are synchronous, and they occur immediately. Chatter in Apex methods do not run in system mode; they run in the context of the current user.