In a letter Muhammad Ali wrote to his second wife sometime in the late 1960’s he explained why he choose Islam as his new religion. Reportedly, his wife confronted Ali about his extramarital affairs and asked him to explain to her why he chose Islam, since Islam didn’t condone adultery. An author, Jonathan Eig, paid Mrs. Ali $600 for the letter as research for his book “Ali: A Life”. In Muhammad Ali’s own words he says, “…I did buy the Muhammad Speaks paper. And [one] thing in the paper [made] me keep the paper, and that was a cartoon.
And the cartoon was about the first slaves that arrived in America, and the cartoon was showing how the black slaves were slipping off at the plantation to pray in the Arabic language facing the east. And the white slave master would run up behind the slave with a whip and hit the poor [slave] on the back with a whip and say, ‘what are you doing praying in that language, you know what I told you to speak,’ and the slave said, ‘yes sir, yes sir, Master. I will pray to Jesus, sir, Jesus.’ And I liked that cartoon. It did something to me. And it made sense.”