If somebody liked your tweet and their Twitter account is private, you will not be capable to find out who they are without them permitting you to follow them.

• When a user has his or her privacy settings on, only people who are their followers can see their profile.
• Another reason that you will not see everybody who liked your tweet is that social media, especially sites like Twitter, move very fast, and they are continually changing.
• The half-life of a tweet is short, and it isn’t always feasible that your updates are seen.
• You have to fight a continuous battle when it comes to having people read all your updates.
• If you decide to try, you should cut your number of followers in half.
• Not every Twitter user checks in with Twitter every day.
• The typical person spends at least one hour a day on Facebook.
• Even with that kind of devotion to social media, not everyone will be able to see all of your tweets.