M. Porter, Senior Executive, Master of Art, San Jose
Answered Mar 11, 2019
There is a huge difference between making money and only making money. The term sell out means that the artist is not making good music but is just concerned with making money. Often, some artists try to copy other celebrity styles rather than having their own particular style which also earns them the title of being a sell out.
This is because they lack originality and is simply trying to make money copying a more successful artist. A good artist sees their music as a career. Something they need to build and work on rather than a money earning machine.
The term sell out is negative because it implies that an artistic is more concerned about getting paid than sticking to their own artistic style. For some people this means that they are selling themselves to someone else and no longer have control over their own work.
Others may see music as a career and do not think it is necessarily a bad thing to change your style to make more money. It really depends on what is important to the artist and to the fans.