The intake of birth control pills does not necessarily mean that your girlfriend will not get pregnant if you ejaculate inside her. There is always a chance, a possibility that the birth control will not work and your girlfriend will get pregnant. In order to stay safe, you can use a condom if you truly want to ejaculate inside her. She can still take the pills in order to prevent the pregnancy. There are different birth control methods that are available.
It will help to familiarize yourself with all of these methods as they will make a huge difference with your life. One thing to not forget is that birth control pills will not stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs.
Birth control is a way that people use in order to not get pregnant. Many girls take birth control pills who are sexually active. Safety is a key question that many people ask experts about sex. Taking birth control pills may help prevent pregnancies, but it does not completely prevent it. It may just help. Birth control has been used hundreds of years, but it came in different methods. Over time, the birth control methods have become more accurate and safe.
Today, it is probably the safest it has ever been. However, it is important for boyfriends and girlfriends to continue to take other methods in order to ensure safety during sex. Also birth control pills do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases.