It's possible to overdose on LSD but not with the same symptoms as a drug like heroin. An overdose on LSD can include shakiness, very dilated pupils, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, nausea, sweating, and extreme drowsiness.
If the overdose is severe, bleeding inside the skull, irregular heart rate, dangerously high body temperature, seizures, and comas can occur. An overdose can happen when a user takes more of the drug to intensify the high or when taking LSD from an unknown source. Sometimes these unknown sources will sell blotters as a certain amount when really they contain double or triple the amount of LSD.
Yes, it is possible to overdose on LSD. LSD can be a very dangerous drug that causes hallucinations and panic attacks due to the complete distortion of reality. Some of the signs of LSD overdose are dilated pupils, very high blood pressure, and rapid heart rate.
People experiencing an LSD overdose might also have goose bumps or tingling sensations. They may start shaking or be extremely tired. They also might have nausea, diarhhea, and excessive sweating. LSD overdoses can lead to seizures, comas, and death. It is important to get medical help right away if you suspect someone is experiencing and LSD overdose.