What is the difference between a feature film and a commercial film? - ProProfs Discuss

What is the difference between a feature film and a commercial film?

What is the difference between a feature film and a commercial film?

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Asked by H.Donna, Last updated: Nov 28, 2024

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Patricia Allison

Patricia Allison

Patricia Allison
Patricia Allison

Answered Feb 28, 2018

A feature film is a film or movie that is the main event when you go to the movie theater. A feature film is different from short films that are sometimes played before the start of the feature film in the cinema.

A commercial film is a movie created with the intent of making money. Most movies you see in the movie theater are both feature films and commercial films. It is possible for a film to be a feature film but not a commercial film. Alternatively, it is possible for a film to be a commercial film but not a feature film.

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