D. Jewel, Assistant Manager, MA in English, California
Answered Oct 16, 2019
Doing researches towards knowing some important indicators of a stock's health is a good start when contemplating a promising stock to buy. This will definitely save you from investing in the wrong business. Let's look at those indicators. First, you need to be fully informed about the current earnings of the company. You should know that buying stocks from a company that is already making huge profits will definitely affect the profitability of the stocks.
But you should also know that the stocks are likely to be sold at a higher rate. Another indicator of a stock's health is known as Price to Earnings Ratios. This simply means the ratio of the share price to the annual net income of a company. This can be easily calculated even from the definition provided. What this means is that the higher the Price to Earnings Ratio in relation to the Price to Earnings ratio of the overall market, the higher the price of the stocks, and vice versa. Other indicators are; Dividend Payout and Consistency, Debt Ratio, etc.
Some financial experts would say that certain calculated indicators such as earnings per share and price-to-earnings ratios are important factors for a stock’s health. Note there are a lot of different mathematically calculated indicators. Company-specific factors such as management changes, accounting errors or scandals, employee layoffs, product recalls, and other issues may reflect a stock’s health.
Other experts will say a stock’s health is best indicated by trading patterns, trends, and volumes. Some will say less measurable factors such as industry performance, investor sentiment and overall confidence or lack of confidence in general in the stock market, are important factors.