Definitely, You will make money. It all depends on the amount of money you would make in relation to how many stocks you bought. The truth is it is easy to say you want to invest by buying stocks, but what determines your profits is way beyond what you can easily think of. First, if you will make money from buying stocks, you need to do proper researches on what stocks you are willing to buy; you need to do this to figure out the prospect of the business that is selling the stocks.
Let's consider some underlying factors that can increase your chance of getting more from stocks buying. If a business is experiencing higher economic growth, it is easy to see its reflection from the profit that comes from the business; it means the share prices will also increase. One of the most important factors in the stock market is stability; if this is maintained, then you should be expecting higher returns. Other factors are; Price to earnings ratios, expectations, etc. However, one important thing is also needed at your end, and that is PATIENCE.