On the training record, the student lookup field can be made not compulsory also, cross-object updates that occur between training and student are not sustained. As the lookup field isn't a compulsory field, the responsibility of parents and kids is distinct. So there is no impact on parents on the kid as it is discretionary. Also, it is regular salesforce usefulness that cross item field updates are not upheld for the lookup field.
Cross-object field refreshes between training and student record are not upheld while in the process of creating a lookup field. Designing a lookup field does not just increase the importance of data; it as well assists in doing away with whatever data entry mistakes restricting the values that cannot be input. Cross- object equations are ones that range the similar objects and reference combine fields on these items.
Cross-object equation fields are obvious while checking the custom object record; nevertheless, when the user taps to edit, the fields are not, at this point, visible.