How much of a problem do you think cyber bullying is? - ProProfs Discuss

How much of a problem do you think cyber-bullying is?

How much of a problem do you think cyber-bullying is?

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Asked by H.Donna, Last updated: Aug 12, 2024

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Jason B. Elster

Jason B. Elster

Jason B. Elster
Jason B. Elster

Answered Feb 27, 2018

Since the creation of the Internet, cyberbullying has become a huge problem in society. Students are attacked by words over the Internet. Even though someone may be in the comforts of their own home where they feel safe, they are actually unsafe when it comes to trolls and bullies who decide to express their rudeness and ugliness over the Internet. Usually, bullies especially cyberbullies have a low self-esteem because they prey on people who will not stand up to them.

Cyberbullies also are not bullying in person because it is easier for them to hide behind their own computer instead of saying things face to face to their victim. When someone is a victim of cyberbullying, they should report it to the authorities.

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