I personally think that online bullying is the worse because people lose their manners, and they think that the person they're bullying doesn't have feelings, but they now have friends who are being cyberbullying like4 being called words they shouldn't be called. But overall, cyberbullying is the worse.
Physical bullying is when a person hurts another person intentionally and many times in order to bully them. Usually, people will bully because they have low self-esteem and they don’t know how to make themselves feel better except to hurt someone who is younger or smaller than they are. Online bullying is when a person harasses or threatens another person online. They usually don’t leaves physical marks or scars on the person because they bully by words. They may type terrible mean things to the other person.
Even though both are bad, physical bullying can hurt someone physically and may be harder to prove because online bullying is done in writing on the computer. There is a way for people to see what was written.