You see, i weight 400 pounds on my scale, at least the last time i checked, siomce i broke it when i went to weight myselgf. pizza is thje most likely culprit for my obesity and pulmonary arrest as it has totalled approximately 9/10ths of my weight.
Pizza is a food that many people like. The standard pizza is made by rolling out a dough in a circular shape. Then spreading red pizza sauce is smeared over the dough. Then shredded cheese is added over that. Toppings are added including pepperoni, sausage, and mushrooms. There are many different types of toppings.
Americans eat a lot of pizza. First, it is easy to make and it doesn’t take a lot of ingredients. It is also easy to purchase. There are so many pizza shops in America that there is practically one on every corner of every street. The pizza is relatively cheap to make and cheap to purchase. Also, many pizza shops deliver pizza to the person’s home. This makes it very convenient.