Moments after a breakup are usually very difficult. We all deal with heartbreaks and breakups differently. However, there are some key things you can do to help you heal from the pain of a breakup. Give yourself time to grieve, let yourself cry if you feel the need to this will help you to come to a reality that the future you except with this person is no longer possible. Get out all the anger, hatred, depression, sadness, and all the bad energies you feel towards this person. Do not remain in one position, go out, exercise, punch a punching bag, and listen to music.
Do all you can to get rid of the bad energy. It is important to forgive. Do not stay alone at this time; many have gone into depression because they decide to stay alone after a breakup. Be with your friends or family. There will be there to encourage you. Get rid of all things reminds you of your EX, get a new hobby, do something new with your time, and move on with your life.