In math, it is common to measure angles. One way to do this is to use some of the math facts that are known about angles. A right corner is always going to be ninety degrees. Therefore, if you...Read More
The key difference between a stop and stop limit is that in stop-limit order, when the stop is passed, the order will be transferred into a limit order, whereas for a stop order will convert into...Read More
You need to look at the diagram and the different numbers that are given to come up with the solution. A lot of people do not think that trigonometry is going to be important in their lives, but...Read More
The correct answer to this question is E, 954km, 133. This question would be found on math tests, specifically in Trigonometry courses. This word problem deals with bearings, which are angles...Read More
Spherical polygon refers to a closed geometry figure that is formed on the surface of a sphere by arcs of three or more great circles. It represents the generalization of the spherical...Read More
Degrees and radians are two different units that are mostly used in measuring angles. A degree can be said to be a unit of measurement which is used in determining the amount of an angle and also...Read More
The correct answer to this question is Sin A/ Sin a = Sin B/ Sin b= Sin C/ Sin c. These laws are also known as sine law and sine formula. They are equations related to the sine of an...Read More
The correct answer to this question is A^2 + b^2= c^2. This theorem is one of the earliest theorems every developed. The name of the theorem is developed after Pythagoras, who was a mathematician...Read More
The correct answer to this question is 295. To solve a major arc, one must look at the graph and see the angle amount given. The amount that is given is 65 degrees.
From there, one will use...Read More