The number of episodes of the show This is Us is 18 per season, and so far there are three seasons. The first series premiered on September 20, 2016 and it turned out to be so popular that two...Read More
This is Us is an NBC show but despite this, it isn't normally available on Netflix because it’s actually produced and distributed by 20th Century Fox.
Fox ended their contract with Ne...Read More
This is Us is quite a clever title because it could be read, and perhaps it is subliminally registered as This is U.S. Anyway, it is about a number of characters all in a different state of...Read More
The characters are believable in This Is Us, the TV series. This helps viewers identify with them, and what's more, the actors have been chosen for their charisma, it seems. They seem people we'd...Read More
It is difficult to choose a favourite season. Each has had its highlights. I suppose the most recent is easiest to have in memory and I did love The Philadelphia Story because of its flashbacks....Read More
My favourite character in the TV show This is Us is DR Krakowski. He is very human and humane, cracking jokes,but fiercely efficient at his job. He was Rebecca's obstetrician when she gave birth...Read More
Just before the third season of This is Us began it was announced that there would be equal pay for all its stars. This would be $250,000. Previously, the actors earned different amounts per...Read More
This long-standing American TV drama series has captured the heart of viewers over other competing popular shows. It offers clever, dense, hard-boiled dialogue rather than the more typical...Read More
Jack's death was foreshadowed for a long time on the This is Us programme and left viewers wondering how it happened for ages. When in Series Two this was shown, that Jack died of cardiac arrest...Read More