It should be remembered that there are different population densities that are available. These densities are meant to be used for various purposes. Arithmetic refers to the total population that...Read More
Arithmetic is total population divided by total land and physiological is total population divided by total arable land.
Arithmetic population density also known as “real densit...Read More
Make sure you mention:
-Expansive population policies (Communist China, Soviet Union, etc.)
-Eugenic population policies (Nazi Germany, Minority sterilization in USA, etc.)
-Restrictive...Read More
Social science would always need to think about alternative futures because there is always a possibility that things will change drastically. When that happens, they need to be prepared about...Read More
Qualitative data is a type of data collected that shows or reveals certain characteristics, properties, attributes, features, etc. of a particular phenomenon. This type of data can't be generated...Read More