Smoking -(c) correct. smoking remains the most frequent cause of lung cancer. lung cancer does, however, occur in nonsmokers. a small cell anaplastic carcinoma, as in this patient, is virtually...Read More
Squamous cell carcinoma -(e) correct. most squamous cell carcinomas are located centrally and arise in bronchi, leading to obstruction of a large airway that can cause a lipid pneumonia. in this...Read More
(C) is the false statement here. There is actually no cure for PAH. While there are medications to help control the symptoms and provide life-saving therapies, there...Read More
(D) is the true statement here. Drug interactions are a major concern for bosentan. It is a substrate of 3A4 (many, many drugs) and 2C9. On top of that, it is...Read More
(D) is the false statement and is important clinically. Epoprostenol is NOT selective.Because epoprostenol is not selective, other drugs, such as other vasodilators,...Read More