Whilst you can probably see a bit better when you go out on a full moon, you are not more likely to get murdered, be in a car accident or be bitten by a rabid dog. Researchers have...Read More
Its hard enough for advertisers to impress people with blatant images let alone when they are barely detectable. Similarly, the band Judas Priest gained publicity through claims that...Read More
Who wouldnt want to believe that we all have 90% of untapped brain potential in us all? Unfortunately, this is not the case. Research indicates that pretty much all of our brain is...Read More
Its hard enough for advertisers to impress people with blatant images let alone when they are barely detectable. Similarly, the band Judas Priest gained publicity through claims that...Read More
Even though most people believe relieving anger is healthier than bottling it up, you are only more likely to get angry as a result. The catharsis belief that you feel better after...Read More
If you were abducted by an alien, research indicates that you would be likely to remember it. The concept of repressed memories, or dissociative amnesia, can be traced to Sigmund...Read More
Who wouldnt want to believe that we all have 90% of untapped brain potential in us all? Unfortunately, this is not the case. Research indicates that pretty much all of our brain is...Read More
Men are not from Mars and women are definitely not from Venus. By using Cohens d statistic, which determines how large the difference between groups is, relative to the variability...Read More
If only it was that easy! A correlation exists when two variables are related to each other. A positive correlation in this instance means that high scores on a self-esteem scale are...Read More