The opossum is known to be a marsupial. There are different types of opossums that are available but they are usually found in America. Some of these opossums are found in the Western Hemisphere....Read More
Yes, they can be harmful to pets. Humans are aware that they should not do anything in order to feel the opossum feel threatened so that they will be left alone but pets may have the tendency to...Read More
Even though opossums seem to be cute creatures, they can be carriers of different diseases that can be harmful to humans. For example, they are known to carry leptospirosis that can become the...Read More
There are some opossums that may sometimes become injured or may be adopted when they are still young. Surprisingly, they can be raised as cute pets. A lot of people would like to keep them as...Read More
Opossums are known to be omnivores. This means that they are interested in eating both plant life and meat. They can consume different creatures that are available in the wild. For example, there...Read More
There are some people who are not sure if opossums would be dangerous to them. These are creatures that will not usually bother with humans. They may feel threatened and scared though especially...Read More
It can be nice to see some possums from time to time. If you are wishing to spot a possum, you may want to check some wooded areas. You have a bigger chance of finding possums if you would look...Read More
It would depend on the type of opossum that you have. The Virginia Opossum is known to be active during the night. Most opossums can hunt for food at night or they may also be spotted more at...Read More