If the infant is experiencing a non-organic failure to thrive, the nurses should maintain a consistent, structured environment. This will help the infant learn how to thrive in his new living...Read More
The nurse always should reinforce safety guidelines when teaching parents how to care for their child. By giving anticipatory guidance the nurse can help prevent many...Read More
Initially, when a preschool client is admitted to the hospital for burns, the primary focus is on assessing and managing an effective airway....Read More
Lactic acidosis is a medical condition characterized by the buildup of lactate (especially L-lactate) in the body, which results in an excessively low pH in the bloodstream. It is a form of...Read More
Itching underneath a cast can be relieved by directing blow-dyer, set, on the cool setting, toward the itchy area. Skin breakdown can occur...Read More
If the child is hungry he/she more likely would finish his meals. Therefore, the mother should be advised not to give snacks to the child. The...Read More