The Manhattan Project was a secret research project set in a few locations during World War II. In order to end the war, the American government decided to make a plan to discreetly build nuclear...Read More
The United States is known for the Manhattan Project and the dropping of nuclear bombs on Japan. However, there were other countries involved. During World War II, the allied powers included the...Read More
There are probably a few different reasons why the U.S. didn’t include many other supporting countries in the Manhattan Project. One reason is that the United States probably didn’t...Read More
The main headquarters for the Manhattan Project was in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The government wanted a place that could be kept quiet so this small town was picked. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers...Read More
The Manhattan Project was created in 1939 prior to the United States entering the war. It continued on until even after the bombs were dropped on Japan and the war ending. However, it may seem...Read More
There were three bombs made during the Manhattan Project, but only two of them were used. They were called Gadget which is the bomb that was not used. The other two were called Little Boy and Fat...Read More
When asked a regular citizen about the number of bombs that were dropped by the U.S. on Japan, anyone would say two because one bomb was known to have been dropped and detonated on Hiroshima and...Read More
The first nuclear bomb was tested in 1945. Anything that is considered to be a trinity test has to do with nuclear weapons. This test was done in a desert in New Mexico. These places in the...Read More
The Bikini Atoll is an area on the Marshall Islands. This is where many nuclear bombs were dropped in order to be tested. The bombs were also tested in deserts in the United States mostly in New...Read More
Even though the Soviet Union or USSR as it was known at the time were part of the allied powers with the United States in World War II, they did not know about the building of the nuclear bombs....Read More